A cannabis leaf on a black background.

Cannabis is famous for its unique healing and health benefits. Cannabis is an herb comprised of specific compounds. This herb grows both on special farms and in the wild.

The cultivation of this plant has increased the potential varieties that are available. But, the topic of discussion today is: what is the difference between Indica vs. Sativa vs. Hybrid? What do these phrases even mean? 

As a brief introduction, these names refer to the different strains of chemicals in cannabis. But, this is not the precise extent of the definition. Cannabis and other plants classifications get distinguished by their chemical compounds.

With the legalization of marijuana, the cannabis industry expects to grow to $90.4 billion. Understanding these chemical differences is important for the cannabis market.

Want to know more about this substance and its chemical makeup? Keep on reading, then!

Indica vs. Sativa vs. Hybrid: What Is This? 

In the world of cannabis, there are many different distinctions between varied types. Many believe there are just two types of cannabis: hemp and marijuana. But, there is a deep distinction between the various strains and forms of cannabis. 

Sativa, Indica, and Hybrid are not that different from one another to warrant an immediate distinction. Sativa, Indica, and Hybrid were originally categorized as different strains. And, the meaning of the different strains had different forms of chemical compounds. 

In other words, back then people believed each of the varieties were distinct. They thought Sativa, Indica, and Hybrid strains had different levels of THC or CBD. But, the truth is, even within these strains there is a lot of variation in chemical concentration. 

There are distinctions between these individual strains, it’s true. But, even within the Sativa (or other strains) there is varying chemical concentrations. But, for starters we will explore these three varieties and discuss their variation.

Remember that these attributes are generalizations and there is a lot of crossovers. After going over the attributes we will review how categorization is shifting.

What is Sativa?

Sativa is the strain most commonly cultivated in warm and humid environments. This strain is generally considered a more energizing type. Sativa may increase focus and energize the user when used.  

Some downsides are, it may cause insomnia due to this energizing effect. It also has the effect of making the user “high”. When coupled with the energizing effects, the “high” can become an anxious experience.   

For all its benefits, people use this substance for various physical and psychological ailments. Some common uses include: 

  • Pains and headaches
  • Focus and alertness
  • Nausea
  • Depression symptoms 

It’s important to note that this is not used as a cure, but rather as an additional treatment for these symptoms. The stimulating effects of this plant may be the part of this plant that offsets negative symptoms. 

What is Indica?

Indica is commonly grown in arid and hot regions. These regions include the Middle East and some parts of Asia. It tends to grow low to the ground in small shrub clusters. Due to the harsh environment in which it develops it also tends to have coarse textures with tightly bound buds. 

Indica is the more relaxing strain of cannabis and does not give you the energized feeling of Sativa. Some common uses of Indica include the following:  

  • Increase appetite
  • Induce sleep
  • Decrease insomnia
  • Relaxing the body
  • Relaxing the mind 

A lot of people attribute the sedated, high sensation to this strain of cannabis. Many feel it relaxes them and makes them feel “chill”. Overall, it serves as an excellent addition to the relaxing routine of the user.

What is a Hybrid? 

Hybrid strains are a combination of cannabis strains, typically Sativa and Indica. The strength and potency of this version are hard to pinpoint. It is largely determined by the makeup of the plant.  

Depending upon how much of each strain is present in the plant, the effects vary. But, these are some of the commonly attributed side effects:

  • Alertness
  • Relaxation
  • Insomnia
  • Sleep
  • Increase appetite

As you can probably tell, the effects of this strain can vary wildly. But, this is because it is hard to say how much of each strain is in each dose. People like this variety because of its diverse effects. Some find this strain to be the perfect balance of the two. 

What Sets Them Apart?

Generally, these strains are set apart by their physical attributes and psychological effects. The Hybrid is a combination of the first two. And, Indica and Sativa are distinct by their effects on the user.

But, as researchers continue to examine these strains, they are changing their classifications. The exact use and characteristics of these strains is a subject of debate.

The potency and the effects of these strains differ based on where they grow and how. Because of these distinctions, there is no clear-cut categorization of these substances. 

Yes, Indica tends to have the effect of making the user feel tired and relaxed. Sativa tends to make the user feel energized and ready to go. And, Hybrid tends to have a balanced combination of these two strains. 

But, it is not that clear and distinctive. Sometimes Sativa may be less energizing and sometimes Indica may boost the user’s thought flow. The effects are not absolute nor written in stone. Because of this, scientists and researchers are changing the categorization. 

This system sets the variations apart through chemical variations. Also known as chemovars. These chemovars set each variation of chemical concentration apart, rather than plant variations.

What Are Chemovars?

Chemovars is a short form of the term chemical variations. These chemovars are what categorize the chemical compounds of a plant. It is also known as the chemotype. These help break down and categorize plants in a detailed and specific manner. 

For cannabis, this system helps to clarify where to place and associate chemical compounds. As discussed above, Indica and Sativa variants can vary in their unique makeup.

But, to say that a cannabidol is a Sativa strain rather others, does not say much. It says very little regarding its specific chemical makeup and concentration.

The same is true for Indica and Hybrid varieties. The chemical compounds need to be the distinctive factors in classification.

Also, many experts believe the use of the words “strain” and “variant” is misleading. These terms are usually utilized when discussing strains of viruses and bacteria. Especially with the coming of Covid-19, people do not think of plants when they hear “strain”.

In order to better distinguish the classification system, the chemovar system is superior. This system uses the chemical compound and creates a useful systematic classification. 

Why Was the System of Chemovars Created?

The development of the system of chemovars was to distinguish the different varieties of cannabis. This issue has become far more evident with the emergence of medical marijuana and legal marijuana. 

Experts rationalized that it was not fair for patients to be uncertain of what was in their medicine. Patients have the right to know what they are putting in their bodies. They should also know the chemical makeup of the individual dose.

This is evident especially when considering how the compounds may conflict with medications.

When a doctor prescribes a medication they need to know what it is they are giving their patients. For medical purposes and legal purposes, the classifications of Sativa, Indica, and Hybrid are not clear enough. This is because, as discussed above, the exact chemical breakdown of the plant is too varied. 

As a result, experts began to classify cannabis by their thousands of chemical variations. Chemovar designation allows users and doctors to trust it won’t mess up medications.

This breakdown consists mainly of terpenes and their THC compounds. We will discuss these distinctions in a later section.

What is Cultivar? 

The cultivar is a term used to refer to the artificial and natural modification of plants. Primarily this system employs the sexual selection of specific plants to accomplish a specific desired end. 

Some examples of cultivars outside of the cannabis community are hybrid tomatoes and seedless grapes. Through selective breeding, scientists were able to enhance specific mutations and genetic variants. And, as a result, experts have bred some very distinctive varieties of plants. 

This is the exact same thing they have done with cannabis. Breeding different varieties of cannabis plants created different variants of cannabis. These varieties can have higher doses of THC or CBD based on their genetic differences.

Breeders can alter the size and taste of the plant through this process as well.

Essentially, the purpose of this system is to create heartier plants. Genetically altered plants may become resistant to various diseases and fungi.

But, our focus is on the chemical alterations achieved through this process.

Cultivars vs. Chemovars

Cultivars and chemovars are distinctive parts of the same system. They are not so much a contestable duo as they are a compatible system. In brief, chemovars are the chemical characterization of the plant. Cultivars refer to the system of breeding to bring about the desired result. 

That is the distinction between the two. As a result of these natural genetic modifications breeders alter their chemical compounds. To keep the classifications clear and accurate, researchers believe the names should change. 

The names should reflect the attributes of the variant. Some suggestions include:

  • Beta-caryophyllene
  • limonene linalool
  • Terpinolene
  • Alpha-pinene

And these are just a few of the chemical categories. Many experts believe these are a better categorical designation. Knowledge and clarity of these designations is vital for marketing and medicine. For these reasons, some experts favor this system. 

What Are Some of the Most Popular Cultivars?

Now we know the basics of cultivar and chemovars. Let’s delve into some of the common types. These types are both recreationally and medicinally used. They have different levels of compounds for their needs.

These are their common or street names. 

  • Kush (OG Kush)
  • AK-47
  • Green crack
  • Gelato
  • Blue Dream
  • Pineapple (Pineapple express)
  • Sour diesel
  • Purple haze
  • Biscotti
  • Wedding cake
  • Kush mints
  • Forbidden fruit
  • Charlotte’s web
  • Acapulco gold

The scientific classification of these strains is Indica, Hybrid, and Sativa. Some of them, such as the Kush and Haze variety come in a multitude of variants. 

Each is a subcategory of larger categories. One of the major distinctions of the strains is the strength of the CBD and THC.

The Strains and Their Uses

The cultivation of these chemovars was to enhance their strengths. These chemovar strengths distinguish the different varieties. These varieties create a different experience for the user.

The chemovars have calming and elevating experiences in the users. For people with stress-related disorders, the strength of the individual chemovars is important. 

The distinction of strain from chemovar is important in this area. The strain is essentially just the differing names we discussed above, such as Kush and Haze. These distinctions are helpful in trying to identify what type you are likely to get.

But, as for the chemovars, this is useful when using cannabis for specific health purposes. This system helps to distinguish the strengths of 2-3 different compounds. It categorizes these by their strength and by which are the most dominant. 

These different chemovars are distinct through several factors: 

  • CBD
  • THC
  • CBG
  • CBN
  • THCA

These are the dominant forms of cannabinoids in most varieties of cannabis. Through the categories of terpenes the breakdown of chemovars goes further.

Terpenes include the following: 

  • Pinene
  • Bisabolol
  • Linalool

And many more. But, the indication of the terpenes is a flavor profile. Each terpene has a different flavor profile and this has a strong impact on the user preference. 

THC and Chemovars

THC stands for tetrahydrocannabinol. This is the psychoactive ingredient of the cannabis plant. It is the aspect of the chemical makeup that makes the user feel high and slightly mentally inhibited. 

However, based on the way in which the THC exists in the plant, it can have very different effects. The pairing of THC (or lack of chemical pairing) can heavily impact the user’s experience.

THC tends to make the user feel high and relaxed. It can also give the user a feeling of euphoria and joy. This is why it is widely used by people suffering from depression or anxiety.

However, the substance can also lead to increased anxiety and feelings of paranoia. This experience increases with the absence of CBD. But other factors can also contribute to the user suffering from negative experiences. These include the atmosphere and environment. We will elaborate on this further in later sections.

Other side effects of THC are temporary memory loss and a lack of coordination. This is because THC has a psychoactive effect on the brain causing it to lack focus. But, these same psychoactive effects can improve the user’s mental state through positive mindfulness. 

CBD and Chemovars

CBD is the other most well-known strain of chemovar in most hemp and marijuana plants. CBD is a short form for cannabidiol and is one of the primary component makeups of the cannabis plant. 

CBD is most commonly associated with hemp as a result of the outlawing of marijuana. Laws and local regulations heavily regulated the production of marijuana. Many of these laws still exist today, but they are not as prevalent nor restrictive as they once were. 

But, back when CBD was gaining popularity, most laws banned CBD derived from marijuana. Producers were only allowed to produce CBD products that they derive from hemp. This has created the false idea that hemp produces CBD and marijuana produces THC. 

This is, of course, untrue. Both plants produce both substances, amongst a multitude of other compounds. But, CBD is distinctive from THC.

CBD helps treat aches and pains. It is sometimes applied topically or ingested by the user.CBD also produces a soothing and calming effect on the mind of those who use it.

It does not create the psychoactive experience that many have on THC. CBD will not make the user high nor will it create the feeling of anxiety and paranoia. But, CBD is not as emotionally or mentally potent as THC.

Some users may feel it is not strong enough for their uses. But, this is to miss the purpose of this substance. Rather than viewing it as a substitute for THC, it is a separate substance. The two just happen to be present together quite often.

CBG and Chemovars

CBG is short for cannabigerol and it is the foundational compound. This compound is the acid that gets converted to THC and CBD. This occurs as the plant matures and the acid (CBGA) becomes the other compounds that make up the plant. 

Compared to THC and CBD, CBG comprises far less of the plant’s makeup than other substances. THC and CBD make up more than 40% of cannabis, while CBG is usually less than 1%. This amount decreases as well, as the plant ages and the acids convert to new substances. 

However, the use of CBG is somewhat similar to the use of CBD. It can help to relieve pain and decrease inflammation. It is commonly taken topically as well as consumed. However, CBG has some benefits of its own.  

One of the main uses of CBG is in treating irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). CBG is a potent anti-inflammatory substance. In this way, it can help alleviate suffering from the disease. Other diseases this substance may help alleviate include glaucoma and cancerous development. 

The alleviation of stress and pressure has a positive effect on those suffering. CBG also has powerful antibacterial properties. This makes it useful in assisting in fighting infection. It is particularly helpful at preventing and fighting off staph infections.

THCA and Chemovars

THCA stands for tetrahydrocannabinolic acid, which makes it associated with THC. But, the two are different substances even though they have similarities. THC is the final product of THCA. 

THCA exists in raw components of cannabis (including fresh and/or unpicked cannabis). Fresh cannabis has THCA before it converts into THC. THC comes out in the burning and drying process. The proper term of this process is decarboxylation. It describes the chemical reaction that occurs as the THCA burns and dries.  

In other words, it is hard to smoke cannabis to experience THCA. THCA is not intoxicating in the same manner as THC and thus avoids some negative components. THCA gives the user similar experiences as THC, but without some of the negative side effects. 

THCA also gives the user several benefits. But, testing these benefits is difficult with this substance. Purportedly, THCA can act as an anti-inflammatory and may provide beneficial neurological effects.  It is currently studied as a combative component to degenerative neurological disorders.

CBN and Chemovars

CBN is a cannabinol, but it is distinct from CBD. CBD is a distinct substance from THC, but CBN relates heavily to the THC component of cannabis. 

CBN is the byproduct of THC. Similar to how THCA is the precursor to THC, CBN is the end result of THC. When THC oxidizes (through drying or smoking) it converts to CBN. CBN was one of the first components of cannabis that scientists discovered all the way back in the 1800’s. 

Originally, experts believed that CBN was the psychoactive component of cannabis. However, CBN holds very few psychoactive components and is not the factor that makes one high.

Rather, CBN seems to have some soothing and neurological calming effects. But, studying the effects of CBN is actually very difficult. The main reason for this is it is hard to produce heavy amounts of CBN. 

Thus far scientists have been unable to breed a cannabis plant that has significant amounts of CBN. Therefore, it is difficult to perform tests on this substance. Even though it was one of the earliest components isolated!

What Are Terpenes?

Terpenes are not actually an exclusive substance in cannabis. Rather, terpenes are present in many different types of plants. This includes herbs and citrus fruits. It is the factor that gives these plants their distinctively strong and potent scent and taste. 

Terpenes will not make the user high. However, it may have an effect on THC and how THC is accepted by your body. Terpenes are thought to impact how the mind reacts to the other components of cannabis. 

As far as their use in nature, terpenes seem to protect the plant from decay and impacts from harsh environments. The best way to think of terpenes is as a protective element of the plant. 

But, what do they do to you when you use cannabis? 

The general consensus of experts is these terpenes may affect how THC impacts the mind. Terpenes might explain how the mind can react so differently when exposed to the same levels of THC or other cannabinoids. It is not limited to just THC, however, and may impact the reception of CBD. 

THC and CBD are unique compounds to cannabis, while terpenes are not. How they impact your mind is yet to be established. They are not a unique substance to cannabis. But, they seem to be the piece of the puzzle as to why people react the way they do to cannabis.

Scientists are unsure if these terpenes cause or enhance the medical benefits of cannabis. Among the medicinal benefits associated with these terpenes are antiviral and antibacterial attributes. 

Each is examined in detail below. 

Bisabolol Terpenes

Bisabolol terpenes are some of the least common and least known cannabis terpenes. It has high amounts of anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effects. Both of these benefits seem to be unique to this substance. This means if you were to get this terpene from a different plant, it would most likely still have these effects. 

However, with regards to these psychological effects, these may be present in cannabis. But, as discussed above, terpenes seem to play a significant part in enhancing the psychological effects. Bisabolol seems to interact with gamma-aminobutyric acid in the brain. This is sometimes called “GABA” and is sold at health markets as a sleep and relaxation aid. 

Bisabolol seems to play a part in improving skin well-being. In CBD topical creams it is thought the bisabolol terpenes impact deep into the skin. It may also improve the soothing effects of CBD topical creams. 

Caryophyllene Terpenes

Caryophyllene terpenes have a scent similar to cloves and cinnamon. They tend to to generate a warming sensation to the user. In addition to being in cannabis, this terpene is present in black pepper and cloves. This contributes to the scent and flavor. 

This terpene is important to the impact of THC on the body. Without this, it is theorized that THC will not have the effects it commonly does. This is because this substance is thought to impact the CB1 and CB2 receptors in the brain. These receptors are key to the body getting the “high” sensation from THC. 

Caryophyllene terpenes have a high antioxidant total. This helps maintain healthy organ function and prevent deterioration in the body. For this reason, it is sometimes considered the “longevity terpene” due to this. 

Antioxidants, as the name implies, prevent and inhibit oxidation. Oxidation causes decay and wears on the body, so implementing antioxidants prevents this. Antioxidants prevent strokes and prevent organ deterioration from time and exposure. 

Pinene Terpenes

Pinene terpenes are considered pine terpenes. This terpene has a powerful and potent pine scent and flavor. As you might expect, this terpene is found in pine needles and Rosemary. 

Experts disagree on the exact benefits of this terpene. But, it seems to assist in the anti-inflammatory and anti-anxiety attributes of cannabis. Pinene terpenes seem to be connected to preventing short-term memory loss from THC. 

Strains of cannabis with higher amounts of this terpene seem to have less impact on memory. Thus, this substance seems to be impactful in preventing this memory loss.  

Myrcene Terpenes

Myrcene terpenes have a heavy musky smell that makes them potent terpenes. This terpene is present in a large variety of herbs and plants from all over the world. Some common sources of this terpene outside of cannabis are Indian bay leaves and mango. Among many others. 

For its ubiquity across the globe, it gains the name, “mother of all terpenes”. It is present in many foods and it is thought to improve the high experience from THC. In fact, some people will eat mangoes when they are going to use marijuana. The mango has a high amount of this terpene and it has a positive impact on the experience. 

Cannabis that is high in this terpene tends to provide a better experience while creating a very earthy taste. The taste and smell are not among the most popular, but it is balanced out by the positive impacts of the substance. 

Myrcene is heavily associated with improved sleep and relaxation. Lemongrass is a popular sleep aid in many different folk remedies. Lemongrass has a very high amount of Myrcene terpene. But, terpene is also associated with pain alleviation. 

People suffering from nerve damage such as sciatic nerve damage claim this relieves some pain. Experts are researching this correlation. They hope to find the correlation between these terpenes and nerve health.

Limonene Terpenes

Limonene terpenes have a strong citrusy scent and taste. As you might expect, this citrus-tasting and scented terpene is present in almost every citrus fruit out there. But, the one for which it gets its name is the lemon, which has a high amount of this substance. 

Limonene terpene has strong antimicrobial and antibacterial attributes. It is used in cleaners and beauty products such as soaps and scrubs. It also has a nice scent, unlike myrcene terpenes. 

In cannabis, this terpene is important in anti-inflammatory attributes. But, it also shows sign of improving mood. When the components of cannabis are mixed with this substance, it can improve the overall performance of the plant. 

But, the most exciting aspect of this substance is the studies done on tumors. Research is still being perfomed. But, in rodent studies limonene terpenes seemed to decrease tumor size.

Rodents with skin and glandular tumors showed a significant reduction in tumor size. After applying limonene terpenes tumors and other skin issues decreased in size.

Eucalyptol Terpenes

Eucalyptol terpenes have a nice and light mint and fresh-tasting flavor. But, as the name implied, this terpene is most commonly found in Eucalyptus but it is also in mint plants. This terpene is prevalent within these plants, but it is not as prevalent as other terpenes in cannabis. 

This terpene holds a powerful anti-bacterial aspect and it may help alleviate asthma symptoms. It also assists in preventing neurodegenerative diseases. This includes decreasing the impact of Alzheimer’s in patients suffering from the disease. This is because it decreases inflammation in the brain and improves blood flow. 

In cannabis, this terpene helps improve stress levels and decrease insomnia and paranoia. It also is thought to taste good and smell good, which isn’t always common in cannabis. 

Trans-Nerolidol Terpenes

Trans-nerolidol terpenes is also known as nerolidol terpenes. They have a strong herb flavor and a strong tea taste. It is commonly found in Jasmine teas and green teas. But, it is also found in lemongrass and tea tree oil. 

As you might be able to tell based on the natural sources of this terpene, it has a strong antibacterial property. It is used in many natural household cleaners and antiseptic mouthwashes. 

In rodent studies, it showed effective results in treating intestinal worms. It has a strong anti-parasitic property. And, it has proven fairly successful in these experiments.

In cannabis, this terpene induces sedative effects. This means it helps combat insomnia and enhances the relaxation aspects of cannabis. You can also apply this terpene topically with cannabis creams to help improve your experience. 

Humulene Terpenes

Humulene terpenes are common terpenes found in both cannabis and beer. This is why cannabis and beer hops share similarities with their scent. Aside from these, humulene terpenes are also common in various types of pepper. And, perhaps one of its most common sources, is ginseng. 

This substance was traditionally used in Eastern medicines for its diverse beneficial effects. It is said to decrease inflammation and suppress appetite. This may come as good news to anyone wishing to avoid getting the “munchies” while they’re high. 

Humulene is present in almost every type of cannabis strain. But, the ones with the most per quantity are Death star, Original band, and Candyland. This terpene is the substance that gives cannabis its distinctive scent along with pinene and myrcene terpenes. 

Camphene Terpenes

Camphene terpenes are commonly found in a vast variety of vegetables and herbs. This terpene is found in carrots, fennel, dill, and nutmeg. Just to name a few. It has a strong combination of citrus and mint flavors with a fresh scent. 

One of the most powerful attributes of these terpenes is their capacity to potentially lower bad triglycerides. For this reason, it is being researched as a potential treatment for high cholesterol. It also carries anti-inflammatory capacities and may decrease symptoms of arthritis. 

It bears antifungal attributes as well and may be used to combat ringworm and other infections. It also has a cooling effect from the menthol within it. It can help relieve pain and open nasal cavities and alleviate cold and sinus infections. 

Within cannabis, this terpene adds a delightful scent and taste for the user. It also helps prevent inflammation and assist in alleviating joint pain. It can be applied topically or ingested. 

Common Ways To Consume Cannabis Types

The most popular way in which cannabis is usually consumed is by smoking it. Smoking marijuana can provide the user with a high experience and some of the relaxing and soothing aspects. But, of course, inhaling smoke is not healthy for you

If you are looking to use cannabis or marijuana to improve your health, smoking may not be the best way. While it may not be as bad as smoking tobacco (this is debated) smoke is still not good for your lungs and overall health. 

But, do not worry, you can take this through other means. If you want the effects of THC you should consume active gummies and edibles. These substances will not have the negative effects of inhaling smoke. But, they will make you high. 

You can also consume hemp seeds to get the positive effects of CBD without the effects of THC. There are also CBD gummies and protein powders. Many of these substances have significant amounts of full-spectrum cannabis.

You will want to make sure to get full-spectrum cannabidiol. This means it is not derived from a limited variety of hemp or cannabis. Rather, the full benefit of the chemical variations is present. 

There are also oil extracts that provide the benefits of cannabis to the user. The oils are sometimes flavored, but most of the time they are simply earthy-tasting oil.

This oil can have THC/CBD, just CBD, or just THC. This tends to be very potent, especially with regards to THC oil. Make sure you have a safe environment when using THC oil and check your local and state laws as well. 

When applied and used properly, cannabis is part of a healthy lifestyle

Indica, Sativa, Hybrid, and Applying Them to Your Life

There may seem like a lot to understand about cannabis! Indica, Sativa, and Hybrid strains are not as different as they may seem at first glance. 

Indica vs. Sativa vs. Hybrid is not the determining difference of cannabis strains. Rather, the chemovars and the cultivation of the plant determine the levels of compounds within. When seeking out the best variety for you, make sure you pay attention to the active compounds. 

Contact our staff at Life Grows Green and learn all there is to know about cannabis!

External Resources: 

Substance use – marijuana: MedlinePlus Medical Encyclopedia: Retrieved from:,parts%20of%20the%20marijuana%20plant. 

GlobeNewswire News Room, (February 18, 2021). Retrieved From:

NCBI: US National Library of Medicine (September 2020). Retrieved from:

New West Genetics (December 2016) Retrieved from:

Modern Canna Labs, (December 2021). Retrieved From:

National Institute of Drug Abuse, (December 2019) Retrieved From:

Science Direct, (July 2020). Retrieved From:

Internal Resources: 

THC 101 (December 2021). Retrieved from:

CBD Oil (December 2021). Retrieved from:

CBD for Sale: Separating Fact from Fiction about Those 3 Letters (December 2021). Retrieved From:

Living a Healthy Lifestyle: More Than Just the Body (September 2021). Retrieved from:

About: Life Grows Green (December 2021). Retrieved From: ://

Contact: Life Grows Green (December 2021). Retrieved From: