A plate of hemp seeds and a bottle of hemp oil.

Hemp is increasingly being recognized as a superfood after being legalized in 2017. As a result, the worldwide legal hemp trade increased significantly.

Countries like Canada and the USA have steadily raised their export amounts in this time. In fact, western countries have taken a huge market share from China, which is the largest exporter.

But, what’s all the fuss about? How can hemp seeds (and hemp in general) help the average consumer? The reason China is such a big producer of hemp is that they have been using it for therapeutic purposes for hundreds of years.

Now, the West is starting to catch on to this idea.

Read on to learn the benefits of hemp, how to use and store hemp seed oil, possible side effects, costs, and answers to common questions about hemp.


For many people, hemp seeds fall under the superfood category. This is because hemp seeds boast a rich nutritional profile with a wide range of benefits. 

Hemp (Cannabis sativa) falls under the same plant species as cannabis. However, hemp contains less than 0.3% of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), so it would have to be consumed in extreme amounts to result in a high. 

Cannabis and hemp both contain cannabigerol (CBG), cannabinoids (like CBD), cannabidivarin (CBDV), and many others. Hemp seeds also consist of protein, fats, and other chemicals.

Generally, hemp has many uses and is grown to make many products. Different products come from various parts of the hemp plant. Hemp can also be used in other health products, natural remedies, foods, rope, and fabric.

Hemp Seeds

Hemp seeds are tiny, brownish seeds rich in fiber, protein, omega-3 fatty acids, and omega-6 fatty acids. This adds up to them being a highly nutritious food. 

Aside from the essential fatty acids, hemp seeds also have minerals, vitamins, and amino acids. You can, therefore, either apply it to your skin or take it orally.

In addition, hemp seeds may also relieve bodily stress and help prevent discomfort in joints.

Hemp Seed Properties

Hemp seeds are fruits of Cannabis sativa. They are round in shape with a diameter ranging from 3 to 5 mm and dark red-brown. 

The seeds’ cover consists of two thin pericarp layers and endosperm with two cotyledons. Hemp seeds contain:

  • 25-30% oil
  • 25-30% protein
  • 30-40% fiber
  • 6-7% moisture

The Nutritional Profile of Hemp Seeds

Hemp seeds’ nutritional profile is rich in healthy fatty acids, protein, and fiber concentration. All of these are great to add to any diet, but vegans in particular will benefit most from the added protein to their diet.

Three tablespoons of hemp seeds consist of 116 calories. According to the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), 100g of hemp see contains:

  • Protein: 9.47g
  • Carbohydrates: 2.6g
  • Monounsaturated fatty acids: 1.62g
  • Polyunsaturated fats: 11.43g
  • Saturated fatty acids: 1.38g

Hemp seeds can also be a source of essential vitamins and minerals.

A Breakdown of the Nutrients in Hemp Seeds

As earlier alluded, hemp seeds’ nutritional resumé is impressive. Below is a breakdown. Hemp seeds are:

Rich in protein – Hemp seeds contain the entire suite of nine essential amino acids since they are about 30% plant protein.

Essential polyunsaturated fats – About 50% of hemp seeds consist of fats, with approximately 80% of those being polyunsaturated. This includes the plant omega-6 fatty acid called linoleic acid (LA) and an omega-3 fatty acid known as alpha-linolenic acid (ALA).

Ample dietary fiber – Around 5% of Hemp seeds are fiber.

Packed with vitamins and minerals – Hemp seeds contain minerals such as phosphorus, magnesium, iron, vitamin E, and B-group vitamins.

Usually, packets of hemp seeds recommend you have a serving of 20 to 30g, which is roughly two to three tablespoons. 

Though the nutrition information on different packs may vary in values, on average, a 30g serving of hemp seeds according to the US Department of Agriculture Food Data Central gives you the following:

  • 17% intake of the daily recommended intake of protein
  • 247% of ALA Omega 3 fatty acids
  • 4% of your daily fiber needs
  • 18% of your iron requirements

Selection, Preparation, and Storage of Hemp Seed

You can eat hemp seeds in various forms. They can be consumed raw, cooked together with other foods, or roasted. For thousands of years, the Chinese have incorporated hemp seed oil as food or used it for its medicinal value.

The following are some of the many ways to eat hemp seeds or hemp seed oil:

  • As a cooking oil
  • In a smoothie
  • As milk – hemp milk
  • On oatmeal or cereal
  • On yogurt
  • Sprinkled over salads
  • As a nut butter
  • Added to baked goods
  • In meal bars or granola bars
  • In salad dressing
  • In recipes
  • On casserole dishes


Many countries grow hemp seeds as a cash crop. However, some people have a high preference for Canadian hemp. It is touted to have the best taste and strict government restrictions on farmers to assure high quality.

You can also look for hemp products that have gone through lab testing for potency and purity. Don’t shy away from asking the manufacturer if you have any concerns. 

In addition, hemp growing regulations in the U.S., Canada, and Europe are stricter than in some other countries.

Hemp Seed Processing

Like any other seed which produces oil, hemp seeds need to be processed to extract their oil. In this case, oil producers separate the hemp seeds from foreign matter such as stones, metal, pieces, other plant parts, and different seeds. 

Next, to adjust seed moisture, the seeds are conditioned. Oil is recovered from seeds by two standard techniques: solvent extraction with hexane or mechanical pressing. After extraction, the crude oil goes through several refining processes.


Once you purchase hemp seeds, you need to store them appropriately. If you expose the hemp seeds to the air for long periods, the healthy fats in hemp seeds can degrade. Storing them at high temperatures can also result in a similar effect. 

When you inappropriately store hemp seeds, they will, in turn, contain unhealthy trans fats, which can, unfortunately, lead to heart disease.

Therefore, you need to store hemp seeds and hemp seed oil in airtight containers and keep them in a dark and cool place. We recommend that once you open hemp products, you refrigerate them.

Hemp products come in various forms such as: 

  • Flaked seeds are known as ‘hemp hearts’
  • Hemp flour 
  • Hemp protein powder 
  • Hemp seed oil
  • Hemp milk

Bear in mind that similar to most food products, the more ‘whole’ a food remains, the more it retains nutrients. Therefore, the fiber content will be lower than whole hemp seeds for some of these products. 

You can easily purchase a range of these products in health food stores or online stores.

Take note that heating hemp seed oil or cooking hemp seeds to high temperatures of above 350 degrees can damage the healthy fatty acids. So, it is best to take hemp seeds and oil raw or use very low heat while cooking with hemp oil.

Hemp Seeds Benefits

Hemp seeds have a great nutritional profile. Here is what that means for you:


The protein in hemp is almost the same amount as proteins in soybeans. As we’ve mentioned, there is about 9.46 g of protein in every three tablespoons or 30 grams of seeds.

All in all, hemp seeds are a whole protein source providing all nine essential amino acids.

Amino acids are the main components of proteins. Typically, the human body cannot produce all nine of these acids; hence, you need to absorb them through your diet.

Very few plant-based foods can boast about being complete protein resources; therefore, hemp seeds are a valuable option to add to any vegan diet.

One of the most prominent amino acids in hemp seeds is arginine. You can read more about what this protein offers here.

Unsaturated Fats

Polyunsaturated fats have many health benefits. Omega-3 fatty acids are one of the fats increasingly well known for their bodily help.

The human body does not produce essential fatty acids, leaving all the work to you. You need to consume essential fatty acids through your diet, such as taking hemp seeds, for your body to absorb these vital nutrients. 

Further, fatty acids are critical for long-term health. Since hemp seeds contain low saturated fats without trans fats, they’re the perfect source of unsaturated fats.


The outer shell or hull of hemp seed contains most of its fiber. If you can, make sure you only buy hemp seeds with the outer covering intact.

Nevertheless, even if the hemp seeds come without the hulls, they remain an adequate source of fiber, with 1.2 g  available in three tablespoons.

The benefits of consuming enough fiber daily are as follows:

  • Provides a feeling of fullness
  • Helps to stabilize sugar levels
  • Promotes gut health

Minerals and Vitamins

Hemp seeds contain a rich profile of minerals and vitamins. They have a particularly strong concentration of:

  • Vitamin E
  • Potassium
  • Magnesium
  • Zinc
  • Phosphorous
  • Iron
  • B vitamins such as:
    • Vitamin B-6
    • Niacin
    • Thiamine
    • Riboflavin
    • Folate

Health Benefits of Hemp Seeds

Aside from the nutritional benefits, there are numerous health effects associated with hemp seeds. Research suggests that hemp seeds may have the following health benefits:


A study published in the Food Chemistry journal confirmed that extracts from hemp have therapeutic effects in lab tests. The cannabidiol (CBD) content in the seeds may be the source of these highly desirable results.

Further, a review carried out in 2018 gave results suggesting that compounds in the hemp seeds, including CBD, may produce neurotherapeutic effects and help provide relief for health concerns related to the immune system. You can find the study here.

The review insinuates that these unique properties of CBD and other compounds in hemp seeds may aid in neurological health concerns:

  • Easing stress
  • Improving focus
  • Easing neuropathic discomfort

Omega 3s and 6s

Heart health concerns are becoming a pandemic of their own in western society.

Hemp seeds consist of high levels of omega-3s with a sought-after healthy omega-3 to omega-6 fatty acids ratio.

In addition, hemp seeds contain high levels of an amino acid known as arginine, which turns into nitric oxide.

Nitric oxide is crucial for dilating blood vessels, keeping artilleries and veins walls elastic and smooth, which is great for relaxing.

To lower the risks of experiencing heart failure, live an all-around healthy lifestyle. Eat a healthy diet, lower blood pressure, and exercise regularly.


The amount of omega-3s and the ratio of omega-3 to omega-6 in hemp seeds help to reduce bodily discomfort.

Additionally, gamma-linolenic acid (GLA) is richly found in hemp seeds. GLA is a polyunsaturated fatty acid with positive effects for some people and situations.

Many users claim it helps them with joint discomfort.

Improved Skin

Atopic dermatitis (AD) and acne are problems that many of us have through puberty that can often carry into adulthood.

Some dietary causes have a link to bad skin. Among those factors includes a deficiency in omega-3s. Hemp seeds’ high omega-3 fatty acids may help balance dry rough skin.

As previously mentioned, hemp seeds contain large amounts of plant fiber. Plant fibers and prebiotics are helpful when it comes to smoothing and resurfacing undesirable facial skin.

Joint Discomfort

Are you getting creaky as you get older? Research on human cells and hemp seed oil suggests that hemp supplements can be relieving for joint discomfort.

PMS and Menopause

A reaction to the prolactin hormone that is probably related to low prostaglandin E1 (PGE1) was established as a possible cause of premenstrual physical or emotional stress by a study conducted in 2011

Gamma-linolenic acid (GLA) assists the production of PGE1.

Thus, the study revealed that women experiencing PMS and taking a gram of fatty acids that consisted of GLA of about 210 mg had positive effects.

GLA is highly available in hemp seeds.

Cancer and Hemp

The cannabinoids (CBD) available in hemp seeds in trace amounts have been used to relieve discomfort in cancer patients. Hemp products are by no means a cancer cure, but they can help with appetite and have a calming effect.

Hemp Oil and Healthy Skin

According to research, the omega-3s and omega-6s contents of hemp oil may effectively treat several skin problems. The problems treated include: 

Dry Rough Skin

A study conducted in 2005 for two weeks displayed that dietary hemp oil contributed to improving dry skin symptoms. This was from consuming hemp seed oil, not applying it topically.

Itchy Scaly Skin

Omega-3 fatty acids were established to be of additional nutritional value beneficial to help relieve scaly and itchy skin. Further, the study suggests that the hemp seed oil, alongside a combination with oral retinoids, UVB phototherapy, and topical vitamin D, was even more effective.

How to Use Hemp Oil

There are several methods you can utilize to procure hemp oil skin benefits. Check them out below.

Topical Use of Hemp Seed Oil

If you quickly want to soothe irritation and dry patches on your skin, the first method is to apply hemp seed oil directly to your skin. 

Try a patch test before using the oil liberally to make sure you are not allergic or that your skin will not experience an unwanted reaction. To conduct a patch test:

  1. Wash and dry a small section of your upper arm, for instance, your elbow’s crook.
  2. Apply only a tiny amount of pure hemp oil or a mixture of essential oil and hemp seed oil. If you use the latter, then you need to test the essential oil at a different time and on a separate patch. 
  3. Use a bandage to cover the spot and do not interfere with it for at least 24 hours. Make sure not to wet the bandage.

If you experience any burning, redness, itching, or any other form of irritation, assume that you are sensitive to hemp seed oil and therefore should not use it. If you have such a reaction, use soap and water to quickly wash the spot as soon as you remove the bandage.

If you do not experience or see any type of reaction, then you are usually safe to use hemp oil more broadly as a topical treatment.

If you want to use hemp oil to tackle oily, bumpy, and red skin, apply it directly on clean skin, leave it for about two minutes, and then use warm water to wash it away.

Hemp Oil and Essential Oil Mixture

You can combine hemp oil with other soothing ingredients for direct topical skin applications. The following is an example of such a recipe:

  • 1/4 cup hemp seed oil
  • 4 to 5 drops of skin-boosting essential oil, like lavender or rosemary oil
  • Two teaspoons of melted coconut oil 

You can melt the Coconut oil in the microwave by just placing the two teaspoons in a microwaveable container. Heat the coconut in 30-second intervals as you keep stirring after each interval, up to when the coconut oil is completely melted.

Note: Many essential oils are toxic, so do not ingest them. You should only use essential oils such as rosemary oil and lavender oil topically and in a diluted mixture.

Possible Hemp Seed Oil Benefits for Hair

Hemp seed oil, like many other oils, plays a significant role in preventing the damage of your hair by:

  • Ensuring that too much water is not absorbed by hair
  • Preventing the penetration of specific substances into hair follicles
  • Preventing breakage of your hair through improving lubrication of the shaft
  • Preventing breakage of your hair by reducing the force of combing wet hair

Omega-3, Omega-6, and Antioxidants for Hair 

In addition, Omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids are regarded as good hair supplements. That means you need to intake them orally, preferably through hemp seed oil which has a lot of both.

A 2015 study further strengthened this theory as there was a marked improvement in the hair density and hair diameter of participants who ingested omega-3 and omega-6 supplements orally for a duration of six months.

Additionally, the study’s researchers found that combining omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids was beneficial to participants who took them, as they prevented breakage.

Other Hemp Seeds Benefits

Even though there is currently limited clinical research data to prove the claims that hemp seed oil is an effective or safe treatment for several conditions, enough anecdotal evidence means many still use it to relieve symptoms associated with:

Respiratory Discomfort

The use of hemp seed oil reveals the importance of averting respiratory discomfort by dodging triggers.

Similar to allergies, some can successfully manage issues by avoiding triggers. Typically, people with respiratory discomfort sometimes undergo narrowing of the airways, preventing oxygen from reaching the lungs and thus causing shortness of breath, wheezing, and coughing. 

These people usually have a degree of consistent inflammation in their bronchial tubes despite not having any noticeable symptoms. This is where hemp seeds come in, as some consumers believe the properties can help with airway irritation and hyperresponsiveness.

Ligament and Cartilage Discomfort

Hemp seed oil can be a vital part of relieving discomfort in connective tissue.

According to current investigations, CBDs have been demonstrated to have beneficial properties for providing a soothing effect for these areas. This means that hemp oil directly and immediately affects any health concerns associated with these areas, such as knuckles, knees, and elbows.

With hemp oil being edible, it serves both as a nutritional and therapeutic substance, and in the case of connective tissue, you can use it externally as well as ingest it. 

Currently, research is underway to establish how compounds available in hemp oil can bring down connective tissue discomfort in the long term.

Continued Hemp Health Benefits (Including CBD Use)

Studies continue to imply that hemp is an effective substance in providing therapeutic relief for mood, blood sugar, and stress.

Essentially, hemp is among the most nutritious and beneficial plants. However, many people cannot accept its properties just because of the mere fact that it is a derivative of cannabis.

Additionally, Hemp contains terpenes. Terpenes refer to the compounds which give plants their distinctive odors.

All in all, if you are looking for a fast-acting option to relieve any sort of physical or mental discomfort, try using hemp oil. 

Who Should Eat Hemp Seeds?

Absolutely anyone can take hemp seeds, but they would be an excellent choice for vegetarians or vegans. This is because hemp expands the list of protein-containing foods for vegan diets and is especially useful due to its available forms, including seeds, oil, and flour.

In addition, hemp is free from allergy-related food items or intolerances such as gluten, soy, dairy, and so on. They are also an excellent substitute for seeds that cause allergies, such as linseeds.

However, this doesn’t mean that you will be forced to purchase a large number of hemp seeds next time you are out shopping. Hemp seeds can help boost your nutritional intake with just a sprinkle on top of your existing diet, but they are not the only available source.

A variety of inexpensive foods are also readily available in the market, which you can substitute if not achieve the same outcome. In the long run, it all depends on your taste, preference, and budget.

Dosage of Hemp and CBD

There is a lack of reliable information to calculate the correct dose of hemp as a medicine. Remember that not all-natural products are necessarily safe for use, so dosages can be critical. 

Like any herbal or natural form of supplement, the dosage of the substance varies according to numerous factors. First of all, age and health condition are the most critical factors. Do not take more than the amount recommended on the package insert.

In addition, you can ask a health expert or even your doctor before using hemp, CBD, or any other herbal substance. 

The dosage on the package inserts may not be appropriate for you.

If you opt to eat hemp seeds, specialists recommend starting slowly with a small amount. This is quite vital if you face digestive problems. You can start with a teaspoon and work up your tolerance levels over time.

How to Cook With Hemp Oil and Seeds

The most cost-friendly way of including hemp in your diet is by purchasing hemp seeds and adding them to your food. The price of hemp seed bags is favorable when you compare them to the cheapest pre-packed products containing hemp.

What Does Hemp Taste Like?

Hemp seeds have a nutty flavor similar to unsalted sunflower seeds but with a softer texture.

So, you can therefore use the hemp seeds nutty flavor in a number of ways and choose a format that works best for you.

Here are some recipe suggestions for cooking with hemp:

  • Add hemp seeds or hemp hearts over your morning yogurt with fruit, oats, or muesli.
  • Make a smoothie by blending yogurt with berries and hemp protein powder.
  • Sprinkle hemp seeds or hemp hearts over a salad.
  • Try out hemp flour in baking recipes. For a start, combine ¼ hemp flour with ¾ regular flour.
  • Sprinkle hemp seeds to a recipe of muesli bars.
  • Dress a salad with hemp oil or use it in a pesto. Hemp oil is not advised for cooking due to its low smoke point. 
  • Ground hemp seeds and sprinkle them to make a delicious platter on pasta or rice.
  • Use hemp seed milk.
  • Bake hemp seeds and munch them with other nuts or cereals.

Side Effects of Hemp Seeds

Some people develop side effects after consuming whole hemp seeds. Below is an inconclusive list of possible side effects of ingesting whole hemp seeds:

  • Diarrhea
  • Nausea
  • Irritation in throat
  • Slow heart rate, known as Bradycardia
  • High blood pressure, or Hypertension

As we mentioned, it’s best to try slowly incorporating them into your diet in case you run into any of these issues.

Interaction of Hemp With Medications

Note: Do not eat hemp when taking diuretics or cardiac glycosides, or certain other meds. Here’s why:

Cardiac Glycosides

Cardiac glycosides help the heartbeat strongly and thus end up slowing down the heart rate. A good example is Lanoxin (digoxin). 

These types of medicines treat heart failure, a condition where the heart fails to pump enough blood to meet all the body’s demands well, and irregular heartbeats.

Hemp also has the same effect of slowing down the heart rate as a cardiac glycoside. Therefore, taking hemp alongside cardiac glycosides could slow the heart rate too much. Before taking any hemp products and Lanoxin, ask a medical expert.


Diuretics are medicines that instigate an increase in the amount of urine. Generally, these drugs aim to lower blood pressure by reducing the amount of fluid in your body. Some diuretics are listed below:

  • Lasix (furosemide)
  • Diuril (chlorothiazide)
  • Microzide (hydrochlorothiazide)
  • Thalitone (chlorthalidone)

You end up losing potassium in the body as the amount of urine increases. Similarly, hemp can have similar effects of decreasing potassium in the body when ingested. 

Low potassium levels may significantly affect the functioning of the heart. So, you need to be cautious not to take hemp and diuretics together, as these may cause dangerously low potassium levels resulting in heart failure.


Hemp seeds are likely to increase estrogen levels in the body. Taking hemp seed and estrogen together may negatively increase the estrogen effects and cause side effects.

Medications for High Blood Pressure (Ace Inhibitors or Antihypertensive Drugs) 

Ensure you closely monitor your blood pressure. The protein in hemp seeds can lower blood pressure. Therefore, be cautious before taking hemp seeds along with ACE inhibitors that decrease blood pressure because the combination might drastically reduce blood pressure.

Medications That Slow Blood Clotting (Antiplatelet Drugs/Anticoagulant) 

Hemp seeds can affect blood clotting, causing the process to be relatively slow. Thus, if you take hemp seeds concurrently with anticoagulant medications, you further slow down blood clotting. This combination is dangerous, as it increases the risk of bleeding and bruising.

Special Precautions and Warnings

Pregnant women and breastfeeding mothers: There is inadequate information to confirm the safety of using hemp during pregnancy or while breastfeeding. It is better to avoid using it to stay on the safe side.

Children: There are rare cases of hemp seed oil resulting in bloodshot eyes and sleepiness in children. However, there is limited information to ascertain how safe it is for children.

Allergic reactions to cannabis: If you are allergic to cannabis, you might also be allergic to hemp. Therefore, be cautious when using hemp or avoid it entirely if you have a cannabis allergy.

Surgery: As earlier alluded, hemp seed protein can lower blood pressure. Hemp might thus cause blood pressure to fall too low, which is especially life-threatening during surgery. If you are booked for a surgery, stop using hemp at least two weeks prior to the surgery.

Hemp Oil Concerns

Some compounds found in hemp have raised safety concerns, for instance, the cannabidiol in hemp oil. The FDA cautions that cannabidiol use can potentially:

  • Slow brain activity if you take it with antianxiety drugs or with alcohol 
  • Lead to liver damage
  • Negatively interact with other medications, hence producing severe side effects
  • Result in infertility in males

Other than the above side effects, the cannabidiol may also produce side effects that are hardly noticeable by person, for example:

  • Mood swings which may include agitation and irritability
  • Drowsiness
  • Gastrointestinal symptoms like a decrease in appetite or diarrhea

Another significant concern about hemp oil is the inaccuracy in labeling. The ADAA points out that some hemp products are not labeled correctly and might not contain the compound amounts they indicate. 

Suppose you have a history of liver conditions, gastrointestinal issues, heart complications, or other health problems. In that case, it cannot be stressed enough that you first need to seek a healthcare expert’s opinion before you take hemp products. 

Frequently Asked Questions About Hemp

Still need to know more? Check out this FAQ. Feel free to contact us if we missed anything you want to know.

Are Hemp Seed Hearts the Same as Hemp Seeds?

No. Hemp hearts are products of Hemp seeds that have gone through the removal of the fibrous shell. This means that the hemp hearts will have lower fiber and nutrients when compared to whole hemp seeds. But, hemp hearts still contain a very high amount of healthy polyunsaturated fats.

Is Hemp Oil the Same as Weed?

No. Hemp and weed or marijuana are not the same. However, both are varieties of the Cannabis sativa plant. 

On the other hand, hemp contains trace amounts of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the main chemical responsible for making people get high found in the marijuana plant. Since hemp only has a little THC, it is grown for other uses other than a drug.

The Differences Between CBD Oil and Hemp Seed Oil 

A lot of confusion is derived from the name “Hemp oil” as it can be used to refer to hemp seed oil or CBD oil in some cases. But CBD oil differs significantly from Hemp seed oil.

CBD oil is curated from leaves, flowers, and stalks of the hemp plant. This is because these parts of the hemp plant have a higher concentration of CBD.

Meanwhile, as aforementioned, hemp seed oil is made from cold-pressing Cannabis sativa seeds. Although the seeds do not contain CBD, they have beneficial bioactive compounds, a profile rich in nutrients, and fatty acids.

Some manufacturers have trace amounts of CBD in hemp products, so if you want to avoid cannabinoids, make sure you buy your hemp products from a reputable supplier and read the labels.

Are Hemp Seeds Legal to Ingest in the USA?

Yes, it is legal to consume hemp seeds in the United States. A point to note: The THC in Hemp seeds must be of a minimal amount when sold in the U.S. 

The following hemp products are healthy and safe for food according to the FDA: 

  • Hemp seeds
  • Hempseed oil
  • Hemp seed protein powder

Can You Fail a Drug Test Due to Eating Hemp?

No. Taking small amounts of hempseed oil, hemp protein powder, or hemp seeds cannot cause you to fail a drug test. Hemp only contains THC in trace amounts. Unless you are ingesting large quantities of hemp or using other varieties of the Cannabis plant, like marijuana, you are not likely to fail a drug test.

Notably, there is no THC in hemp hearts, as only the hulls of hemp seed contain trace amounts below 0.3%. If you want to avoid consuming THC or are just recovering from an addiction to cannabis, do not eat whole hemp seeds.

Costs of Hemp Products

Now that you are aware of all the different hemp benefits and precautions, you are ready to decide whether you will purchase some hemp products. Knowing the costs of hemp products is, therefore, your next step.

According to Hemp Benchmarks, the highest price of non-feminized hemp seeds was $2,600 per kilo and $2.50 per seed for feminized seeds. At the same time, refined hemp oil costs $8,343 and $3,689 for crude hemp oil.

Do not worry about those high amounts, as hemp products are sold in small amounts so as to make them affordable. You can check out our shop for exact hemp product prices.

Moving Forward With Hemp Products

After reading this entire post, you should be well versed in all the health benefits of hemp seeds and their related products.

You need to make sure you get your hemp products from a reliable vendor to avoid any mishaps and make the most of your hemp consumption. You can find out more about us and how we want to impact the industry head over to our about page. Then visit our shop to pick up your first order of hemp seeds or hemp seed oil.


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Irritation and Hyperresposiveness (Feb 2021) Retrieved from:

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